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The benefits of sustainability reporting are indisputable. These include, first and foremost, building trust. Transparency on non-financial performance can help reduce reputational risk and open a dialogue with stakeholders. Transparent sustainability reporting is also a sign of openness and responsibility. Efforts to develop the economy sustainably include the development of reporting concepts in this sphere. Sustainability activities are becoming an increasingly important element of business reports. This article aims to present and verify the current sustainability reporting at the level of comparison of reported indicators of selected automotive companies in the context of the most widely used Global Reporting Initiative systematics and the upcoming requirements defined by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). It focuses on study cases and identifies good practices and difficulties of sustainable reporting in the automotive industry. This study used the case study method on selected automotive industry companies. The case study analyses a defined problem consisting of a real situation and information as a methodological tool. The findings show that the world’s major automotive companies are broadly endeavouring to realise sustainability practices. The main conclusion of the analysis is that the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), in addition to being complementary, can be combined not only to improve the strategic management of an organisation but also, in a broader context, serve the well-being of the local community and society at large. The article organises and systematises knowledge about the ESG concept and the GRI standard, which currently play an important role in sustainability reporting.
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