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Chronostratigraphy of alluvia and age of fluvial landforms in the Carpathian Foreland during the Vistulian

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A development of opinions on stratigraphy of alluvia and age of the Vistulian terraces in the valleys of the Carpathian foreland is presented, based mainly on publications of Professor Leszek Starkel. Studies of age of fluvial landforms and sediments of the Last Cold Stage in the Carpathian foreland have been started more than 100 years ago. Before them modern sedimentological methods and radiocarbon dating were introduced, pioneer studies of Pleistocene river terraces and sediments in the Carpathians were performed by Mieczysław Klimaszewski, and subsequently, by his student Leszek Starkel who mapped in 1950s a margin of the Carpathian Foothills as well as alluvial fans of Wisłoka, Wisłok and San rivers in the Carpathian foreland. In that time a stratigraphy of alluvial infillings in the marginal mountain zone was elaborated for the Late Vistulian and the Holocene. Starting from 1970s and basing on studies in key sites in the Wisłoka valley near Dębica, focused on palynological analyses and radiocarbon dating, general strati-graphical schemes of alluvial fills within the Vistulian terrace 15 m high and within the Holocene terrace 8-10 m high have been constructed. A comparison with the valleys in a periglacial area prowed that the Vistulian terrace 15 m high was incised before the maximum extension of the last Scandinavian ice sheet (i.e. before 20 ka BP) and the terrace 11-12 m high (with relics of braided river channels) was formed at the decline of the Plenivistulian. A final incision below the present river bed and aggradation occurred during the Late Vistulian (13-10 ka BP). The rivers changed their regime and their channel pattern from braided to large meanders-type as an effect of forest development and lower sediment load. The Younger Dryas cooling resulted in increased bedload and braiding.
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Bibliogr. 83 poz., tab., rys.
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