Tytuł artykułu
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Diagnostics of a distribited solar collector field control process
Języki publikacji
W pracy opisano instalację kolektorów rynnowych ACUREX pozyskujących energię bezpośredniego promieniowania słonecznego. Omówiono zastosowaną metodę śledzenia pozycji słońca na niebie oraz zasady leżące u podstaw sterowania przepływem w celu utrzymania właściwej temperatury wyjściowej oleju syntetycznego. Na podstawie modelu matematycznego instalacji o stałych skupionych, zaproponowano model symulacyjny . obiektu oraz model odwrotny, pomocny w procesie sterowania. Zbudowano model symulacyjny sterowania za pomocą regulatora PID oraz sprzężenia zwrotnego do przodu (feedfoward).
The purpose of this work is to analyse methods and algorithms to control the ACUREX solar collectors field of the Plataforma Solar de Almeria. This solar thermal system is based in parabolic trough technology, Parabolic trough collectors arc solar concentrating devices. They are made up of a parabolic trough-shaped mirrors that reflects and concentrates direct solar radiation onto a receiver tube located in the focal line of the parabola. The concentrated radiation heats a fluid flowing through the receiver tube, thus transforming the solar radiation into thermal energy in the form of the sensible heat of the fluid. The heated oil is stored in an oil tank. This single tank serves not only as feed lank, transferring oil from the power block to the solar field, but also as thermal energy storage system. Hot and cold oil can be stored in the same tank because density of oil used change a lot with the temperature and hot oil remains always in the upper levels of the tank because its density is much lower than that of cold oil. Traditionally, as the energy source in this system can not be manipulated, the way of .controlling this system is by mean of manipulation of the oil flow through the solar field in order to achieve a desired oil temperature level at the .outlet of the solar field. Due to diagnostic purpose we built and tested necessary models using the data related to performance of various control algorithms observed under changing environmental conditions on real installation. As a result of analysis we proposed both structure and algorithm of control system modifications related to flow control and sun tracking methods.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 14 poz., rys., schem., wzory
- Politechnika Wrocławska, Instytut Cybernetyki Technicznej
- Politechnika Wrocławska, Instytut Cybernetyki Technicznej
- Politechnika Wrocławska, Instytut Cybernetyki Technicznej
- University of Almeria, Dept. Lenguajes Computation, Spain
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Improving Human Potential Programme. Access to Research Infrastructures Activity. Platforma Solar de Almeria: The European Solsr Thermal Test Centre
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