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Tissue market 2023 in Poland
Języki publikacji
Papiery higieniczne i sanitarne są wyrobami powszechnie stosowanymi, o silnej pozycji na rynku. Każdego dnia korzystamy z nich praktycznie wszędzie, zarówno w domowym za ciszu – pod postacią papieru toaletowego, ręczników kuchen nych i chusteczek, jak również w pracy – używając np. czyściw przemysłowych, czy w placówkach medycznych, gdzie stosowane są podkłady medyczne.
Hygiene and sanitary papers are a widely used product with a strong position in the market. We use them every day at home in the form of toilet paper, kitchen towels or tissues, as well as at work, for example, using industrial cleaners or in medical facilities, where medical pads are used. In 2023, in Poland, according to preliminary data from Statistics Poland, a total of 4,615 thousand tonnes of paper were produced, a figure comparable to the production level of 2016 and a much worse result than in 2022. Despite the lower production of sanitary and hygienic papers than in the previous year, their share accounted for 18.4% of the total production of all groups of papers and boards - an increase compared to the previous year (17.1% in 2022). Analysing the Statistics Poland final annual data for 2022, it can be seen that there was a very strong increase in toilet pa per production of 19.8% compared to 2021 (Fig. 3). It is worth noting that even compared to the pandemic peak in 2020, the production volume was 14.4% higher. The final annual figures published by Statistics Poland is available with a long delay, so data for the previous year will not be available until 2025. In 2022, the production of towels made of pulp, paper, wad ding or webs of cellulose fibers saw an increase in the output of this group compared to the previous year – a change of 5.3% (Fig. 4) . The volume of production, after declining in 2021, again reached a record high. The activities of hygiene product manufacturers in Poland are strongly influenced by conditions resulting from interna tional trade. It should be noted that the information on trade exchange was compiled on the basis of preliminary data for 12 months of 2023 from the National Tax Administration. The largest buyers of hygiene papers were Germany (53.7%), Italy (14.7%), Romania (5.9%) and Sweden (4.8%) (Fig. 5). Overall, exports of this product group registered a 2.9% increase from 389.4 thousand tons in 2022 to 400.6 thousand tons in 2023, strengthening Poland’s position as an exporter. Figure 6 shows the structure of exports (for the CN code group 4818). According to data from the National Tax Ad ministration, the strongest groups in exports are toilet paper (37.4%), other towels (22.4%) and roll towels (17.6%). The toilet paper group once again recorded an increase in share of 1.7% compared to the previous year, while paper towels saw a decrease in share of 0.9%. Among the customers of domestic toilet paper production, Germany continues to be dominant, with a share of 64.8% of exports. The situation is similar for towels, where the share was 56.4%. In 2023, the countries supplying the largest share of hy giene and sanitary papers imported to Poland were Germany (22.2%), Italy (21.7%) and Romania (9.4%) (Fig. 7). In 2023, 178.4 thousand tonnes were imported compared to 166.6 thousand tonnes in 2022, an increase in imports of 7.1%. Among hygiene products, imports were mainly toilet pa per (31.5%), roll towels (28.4%), other products (14.0%) and other towels (8.0%). The biggest changes were in the case of sanitary wipes, whose share of imports fell by 3.9%., and toilet paper, which saw an increase of 3.0%. The structure of imports of hygiene products in 2023 is shown in Figure 8. The year 2023 was not easy for paper and board manufac turers in Poland. However, tissue plants ended the past year in fairly good shape, which can be seen in a growing share of total production or record export results. The beginning of the current year is no longer marked by extraordinary prices of energy carriers, and inflation remains at a level allowing for a certain optimism, which promises a good year for domestic manufacturers of hygienic paper and further strengthening of this part of the market.
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Bibliogr. 4 poz.
- Sekcja Papieru, Stowarzyszenie Papierników Polskich
- [1] Produkcja ważniejszych wyrobów przemysłowych w grudniu 2023 r. Główny Urząd Statystyczny. Warszawa. 2024.
- [2] Estymacje Stowarzyszenia Papierników Polskich na podstawie danych z firm członkowskich.
- [3] Produkcja wyrobów przemysłowych w 2022 r. Główny Urząd Statystyczny. Warszawa. 2023
- [4] Dane dotyczące wymiany handlowej w 2022 i 12 miesięcy 2023 r. Krajowa Administracja Skarbowa. Warszawa. 2023 i 2024 r.
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