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Modern aspects of civil society interaction with local government bodies

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Purpose: The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence and forms of interaction of local government with the civil society in Ukraine, to identify the main problems and to outline the ways of improvement. Design/methodology/approach: In the research process, general scientific methods were used – information collection, its analytical processing, theoretical generalization and comparison; graphic method – to illustrate the dynamics of the indicators studied in the work. The object of research is communicative processes in regional administration. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of modern aspects of the interaction of civil society with local government bodies. The information base of the research became theoretical and methodological developments of domestic and foreign authors, materials of periodicals; statistical data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Findings: Based on the analysis of literary sources was summarized the essence and forms of interaction of civil society with local government. It is shown that in the modern conditions of the development of society, as well as external challenges in Ukraine and in the world, a promising direction for the development of communication processes of local government with civil society is the use of electronic democracy tools. Presented an analysis of statistical data on the use by citizens various forms of electronic communications in local government in Ukraine for 2019-2020 years. It was established that the effectiveness of using electronic capabilities in the communicative processes between local government and civil society is not the same in different regions. Research limitations/implications: The presented problem also requires further research in order to establish criteria for determining the effectiveness of the application of various communication approaches in the process interaction between civil society and local government bodies. Practical implications: Based on the generalization of the research results, was proposed the main directions for improving the communicative activity of local government. Originality/value: The conducted studies showed that after the implementation of the decentralization reform, local government in Ukraine became more open and transparent. Has been established a positive trend in the use of such communication mechanisms as electronic appeals, electronic petitions and the participation budget. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the uneven use of the specified types of communications in different regions of the country, which requires solving a number of organizational, technological and social issues.
Opis fizyczny
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