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Holocene sediments of the Ustka Cliff (Northern Poland) in view of radiometric dating

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The cliff in Ustka is an active one. The area is one of the most eroded sea shores of the Polish coast. The Ustka Cliff mainly consists of Holocene sandy deposits, but its basis is built of gla-cial till and clay. Field search allowed to recognize the structure and sedimentary conditions of Holo-cene deposits exposed in the cliff. A comparison of dating results obtained for fossil soils and peat as well as aeolian deposits, using 14C and TL methods, respectively, with available literature records is presented. The evaluation of results obtained allowed to define three main dune-forming phases for the first time for this part of the Polish coast. During the research studies new data on the processes and environmental conditions was gained and the development of structure of the area during the last 10 thousand years was reconstructed. The analysis of available data from other sections of the south-ern Baltic coast shows that results obtained are age similar to those determined for the Łeba Spit. The research is part of a project concerning the geomorphology of the Ustka Bay.
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Bibliogr. 19 poz., rys.
  • University of Gdańsk, Institute of Geography, Department of Quaternary Geomorphology and Geology, Bażyńskiego Street 4, 80-950 Gdańsk, Poland
  • University of Gdańsk, Institute of Geography, Department of Quaternary Geomorphology and Geology, Bażyńskiego Street 4, 80-950 Gdańsk, Poland
  • University of Gdańsk, Institute of Geography, Department of Quaternary Geomorphology and Geology, Bażyńskiego Street 4, 80-950 Gdańsk, Poland
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