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Computing with words, protoforms and linguistic data summaries : towards a novel natural language based data mining and knowledge discovery tools

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We show how Zadeh’s idea of computing with words and perceptions, based on his concept of a precisiated natural language (PNL), can lead to a new direction in the use of natural language in data mining, linguistic data(base) summaries. We emphasize the relevance of Zadeh’s another idea, that of a protoform, and show that various types of Yager type linguistic data summaries may be viewed as items in a hierarchy of protoforms of summaries. We briefly present an implementation for a sales database of a computer retailer as a convincing example that these tools and techniques are implementable and functional. These summaries involve both data from an internal database of the company and data downloaded from external databases via the Internet.
  • Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, ul.Newelska 6, 01–447 Warszawa, Poland,
  • Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, ul.Newelska 6, 01–447 Warszawa, Poland,
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