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Development of an HPLC fingerprint for quality control and species differentiation of Fructus schisandrae

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The ripe fruits of Schisandrae chinensis have a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine to treat diseases and improve health. There is substantial evidence that lignan constituents are mainly responsible for the beneficial effects of this plant medicine. The amounts of the major bioactive lignans in this plant vary widely with species, habitat, and the collecting time, and as such, establishment of an HPLC fingerprint for quality control of this herbal medicine is of particular importance. To achieve this, ten batches of Fructus schisandrae chinensis were collected from Tieli, in China, and their chemical components were analyzed under optimized HPLC conditions. On the basis of the chromatographic data, a consistent HPLC fingerprint pattern containing 20 common peaks was obtained. Among these common peaks, six were identified as schizandrin, schizandrol B, schisantherin, deoxyschiandrin, γ -schizandrin B, and schizandrin C. On the basis of this HPLC fingerprint and principal-components analysis, the quality of fifteen samples from different producing areas of China was objectively assessed, and the species difference between Fructus schisandrae sphenantherae and Fructus schisandrae chinensis was clearly differentiated. To summarize, the data described in this study offer valuable information for quality control and proper use of Fructus schisandrae chinensis.
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Bibliogr. 14 poz., rys., tab.
  • Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine College of Pharmacy Nanjing P.R. China 210046
  • The Key Laboratory of Chinese Herbal Medicine Processing of Jiangsu Province Nanjing P.R. China 210080
  • Nanjing University The State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Nanjing P.R. China 210093
  • The Key Laboratory of Chinese Herbal Medicine Processing of Jiangsu Province Nanjing P.R. China 210080
  • Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine College of Pharmacy Nanjing P.R. China 210046
  • Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine College of Pharmacy Nanjing P.R. China 210046
  • The Key Laboratory of Chinese Herbal Medicine Processing of Jiangsu Province Nanjing P.R. China 210080
  • Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine College of Pharmacy Nanjing P.R. China 210046
  • The Key Laboratory of Chinese Herbal Medicine Processing of Jiangsu Province Nanjing P.R. China 210080
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