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Purpose This paper presents an algorithm developed to assess all aspects of sustainable development for hard coal mines. Additionally, an algorithm to assess the environmental efficiency and cost efficiency of mining production processes was presented. Methods To develop the computation algorithm, detailed models were proposed for environmental assessments using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), whereas Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) was proposed for economic and social assessments. Results The algorithm developed is used when preparing a ranking of hard coal mines which considers the main aspects of sustainable development – environmental, economic and social. The tool also enables the performance of both environmental and cost assessment for particular unit processes of mining production. Practical implications The practical purpose is to devise an algorithm that will perform both partial and aggregated assessment of all aspects of the sustainable development of coal mines in Poland. Originality/ value It is the first method which includes all aspects of sustainable development and considers the process approach to assess coal mines.
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Bibliogr. 19 poz.
- Department of Energy Saving and Air Protection, Central Mining Institute (Katowice, Poland), tel.: +48 32 259 26 97, fax: +48 32 259 22 67
- Department of Energy Saving and Air Protection, Central Mining Institute (Katowice, Poland)
- Central Mining Institute (Katowice, Poland)
- Central Mining Institute (Katowice, Poland)
- Department of Energy Saving and Air Protection, Central Mining Institute (Katowice, Poland)
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