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Influence of the Structure of Seersucker Woven Fabrics on their Friction Properties

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Friction is defined as a force resisting a relative motion between two bodies in contact. The friction of a fabric on itself or on another fabric influences significantly a fabric’s performance and user’s utility comfort, especially the so-called sensorial comfort. Generally, the coefficient of friction is determined for a given pair of materials. The aim of the present work was to investigate the influence of the structure of the seersucker woven fabrics on their frictional properties. Three variants of the seersucker woven fabrics of different repeat of the seersucker effect were the objects of the investigations. Three measuring elements were applied: made of aluminum and steel and covered with silicone. The obtained results confirmed the influence of the pattern of the seersucker effect on the values of friction coefficient. It was also stated that there are differences between the friction coefficients measured in the warp and weft directions of the seersucker woven fabrics. Values of friction coefficient between the seersucker woven fabrics and measuring elements were the highest for the measuring element covered by silicone. These values were several times higher than the values of friction coefficient measured using the measuring elements made of aluminum and steel.
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Bibliogr. 11 poz.
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
  • Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design, Institute of Architecture of Textiles, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
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