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Human rights as a factor in the AI alignmen

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One of the most important issues in the AI field is the alignment of AI goals with human goals. This paper examines the role of human rights in the AI alignment process. The subject of the analysis was acts adopted at the level of two European intergovernmental organisations, namely the European Union and the Council of Europe. The analysis aimed to describe the situations (their nature) in which references to human rights were made. This analysis showed that human rights may be considered a guide in European regulations related to AI. Both the AI Act and the Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law are examples of third-generation human rights regulation acts. This means that the human-centric approach adopted in the context of activities within the AI lifecycle is not just a slogan. However, some studies have indicated that regulations may slow down the development of AI in Europe. There is also a question regarding the relationship between European regulations and those of other regions of the world. In particular, the provisions of the Convention clearly show the aspiration that human rights will be a factor in the alignment of goals between AI and humans worldwide.
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Bibliogr. 32 poz.
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