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New ideas of resources of oil and gas transitional zones in heterogeneous strata
Geopetrol 2012 : Nowoczesne technologie pozyskiwania węglowodorów w warunkach lądowych i morskich : międzynarodowa konferencja naukowo-techniczna
Języki publikacji
The problem of use of stocks of transitional oil-water zones is actual as thickness of these zones reach several tens of meters. The deposits concentrated in these zones usually are represented simply and are defined by thickness of the layer being above conditional border of water-oil contact. At such approach features of distribution water-petrosaturation in transitional zones aren't considered. In a transitional oil-water zone, water saturation changes from hundred percent to value of a final water saturation. The zone in which there are these changes is called as transitional. Within this zone usually allocate a mark from which at an sampling inflow of only waterless oil can be received. This mark take for water oil contact (WOC). The WOC authentic situation plays large role at calculation of stocks and design of development of deposits. Methodical approaches to definition of characteristics of a transitional zone and conditional level of WOC of water oil layers are well developed, however in a non-uniform layers of regularity of a structure of transitional zones for homogeneous layers start to change as layers influence at each other. In nonuniform layers the capillary pressures operating in a transitional zone start to be transformed and there are «end capillary effects». Their role in formation of transitional zones is poorly studied. Undervaluation of capillary trailer effects' influence leads to considerable errors in determining oil stocks in a transitional zone of a layer. In the report the phenomena of jumps of a saturation within a transitional zone of non-uniform layers on wettability are proved. Manifestation of jump of a petrosaturation causes spasmodic changes of provision of water oil contact on the deposit area. In the report features of manifestation of capillary trailer effects are given in transitional zones of non-uniform layers. It is received that the structure of transitional zones can essentially change depending on lithological and filtrational heterogeneity of layers. Changes of a structure of transitional zones lead to change of fixed level of WOK and the stocks concentrated in transitional zones. In the report conditions of emergence of these phenomena are described.
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