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Conditions of cooperation between enterprises and business environment institutions using the Podlasie region as an example

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Cooperation in the field of innovation activities means active participation in joint projects with other companies and business environment institutions. Some of these institutions are involved in cooperation with entrepreneurs to a very limited extent, which makes the help ineffective. The aim of this article is to define the impact of this kind of cooperation in in the context of innovation development in the Podlasie region. According to the author of this article, the research problem is the low level of cooperation between companies and institutions of the business environment. There are not many publications regarding the identification of the degree of readiness to cooperate by companies in the regional context. The article uses the method of critical analysis of literature and statistical analysis of data. The results show the degree of interest in taking up cooperation between entities. Aiming to improve the level of cooperation, a more proactive and specific approach of the business environment institutions is recommended.
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