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W trakcie wieloletnich badań archeologicznych na Starym Mieście w Elblągu znaleziono kilkadziesiąt artefaktów porcelany chińskiej (china porcelain): czarki do herbaty i alkoholu, czajniczek o żłobkowanej powierzchni (molded „pumpkin-shaped” teapot), spodki na konfitury, talerzyki deserowe, miski na ryż. Były to naczynia o malarskiej dekoracji niebiesko-białej, zwane kraak porcelain z okresu Wanli oraz naczynia z dekoracją kwiatową (blue and white flora reserves) pokryte z drugiej strony brązową angobą z okresu Kangxi, były też wielobarwnie malowane emaliami w technice famille rose, china-imari and imari-rouge-de-fer z ery dynastii Qing.
During many years of archaeological research in the old town of Elblag, dozens of Chinese porcelain artefacts (china porcelain) were found. They consisted of a variety of dishes, such as cups for tea and alcoholic drinks, teapots with a grooved surface (moulded “pumpkin-shaped” teapots), small dishes for jam, dessert plates, and rice bowls. The dishes were decorated with blue and white painting (under-glaze blue painting), so called Kraak- porcelain from Wanli-Period, and the dishes had floral pattern (Blue and White Flora Reserves), covered on the exterior of the bowl being decorated with Batavia brown engobe from the Kangxi-Period. There were multicolour-painted dishes (over-glazed enamels) in the pink family technique, china-imari and imari-rouge-de-fer from the Qing-Period.
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Bibliogr. 29 poz., fot.
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