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The article reviews one of the important problems of water usage – operational management of irrigation. The article discusses a methodological approach to the estimation of economic efficiency of water usage in the conditions of climate change in the territory concerned. So far, there has not been a simple method to determine this indicator. When assessing climatic conditions, taking into account their influence on the productivity of agricultural crops, it is necessary to take into account meteorological factors that have a decisive influence on the development of agricultural crops and, accordingly, determine their yield. These include primarily heat and moisture. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account their possible negative influence on the development of plants, considering that for each crop a certain optimum regime of temperature and soil moisture is required in different phases of its growth. To assess climatic conditions taking into account the potential crop productivity, we can use the CPA formula. Calculations have shown a close relationship between the CPA and the yield of agricultural crops. Correlation coefficients of the obtained bonds vary from 0.85 to 0.98 depending on the culture and the territory.
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Bibliogr. 25 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
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