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Influence of environmental and health education on change of behaviour, attitudes and quality of life of students
Języki publikacji
The future of man depends on maintaining harmony with nature. To live on earth we need the right environment, the existing continuous and uninterrupted. Commonly the "environment" is defined as all environmental factors, both abiotic (so-called physical environment) and biotic (living organisms environment), which are of direct relevance to the life and development of the organism of the species. Nature that surrounds us is a silent partner of man, as yet very submissive to him and apparently weaker. Increasingly, we are aware of the risks and how much depends on our consciousness and attitudes. Effective environmental protection is possible if the interaction turns the whole society. The task becomes a key environmental education opportunity for the carrier changes in treatment of people and a new environmental awareness and to create a genuine sensitivity to the problems of their own immediate environment and of health. The basic activities should be public education, which should start from an early age. Today, ecology and its problems are one of the most important elements of human existence and the basis of quality of life of modern societies. Wake environmental awareness and education of future generations must be based on wide-ranging environmental education, which is the subject of teaching and educational activities, prepares to solve practical environmental problems. It is characterized by an interdisciplinary approach that shapes the sense of responsibility and ability to engage every person and community in common action. It should be an integral part of the learning process, and it should include all groups of people the general public, groups of professionals social, whose activities have a significant impact on the environment, scientists and specialists of the natural and social interests, related to the environment [14].
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