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Environmental protection and technical tests of military off-road trucks

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This paper presents the most vital parts of technical tests of military vehicles in relation to environmental protection. The presented method is based on the most popular military off-road truck of the Star 1466 type. It includes a diagram showing the parts of the test of this vehicle from the perspective of environmental protection whose sequence is not imposed. What is solely required is that all these parts are executed - in accordance with the applicable provisions. For this purpose, the paper presents the methodology (whose major parts are described) of testing the vehicle complying with the requirements of environmental protection. Furthermore, it outlines the process of checking leakages of exploitation fluids, smoke opacity, measurement of external noise of this vehicle and the measurement of the level of an acoustic signal. The description of particular checks is based on the applicable provisions and regulations, as well as on typical and commonly available measuring instruments. It is stressed how important it is to maintain and follow the technical parameters - concerning the systems (units) responsible for polluting the environment - which are required by particular provisions and regulations. In the conclusions, the most crucial documents governing the organization of stations used for testing military vehicles, as well as methods and necessary equipment, have been presented.
  • The First Airlift Base, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 1c, 00-909 Warsaw, Poland tel.: +48 22 6821468
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