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Trilobites, their traces and associated sedimentary structures as indicators of the Cambrian palaeoenvironment of the Ociesęki Range (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)

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Enrolled specimens of trilobite species Strenuella polonica, partly preserved within their escape structures and burrows from the Cambrian Series 2 Ociesęki Sandstone Formation, are described. The specimens are interpreted as buried during storm episodes. Their occurrence in a few horizons, the presence of non-bioturbated tempestites with combined wave-current ripples and groovemarks interbedded with bioturbated beds suggest a depositional environment between normal and storm wave base. The trace fossils Monomorphichnus and some Rusophycus have been interpreted as structures formed during the storm when animal tried to take refuge. Well-preserved syndepositional Rusophycus and its different taphonomic variants are discussed. The part of the Ociesęki Sandstone Formation studied is interpreted as deposited on a lower shoreface with storm influence.
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Bibliogr. 56 poz., rys., wykr.
  • Institute of Geological Sciences , Jagiellonian University , Oleandry 2a , 30-063 Kraków , Poland
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