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Purpose: The main aim of the article is to determine the influence of the assessment of validity and actual state of individual resources and competences in the sphere of general resources on competitive potential. Additional aim is a comparison of these resources/competences taking into account housing cooperatives from Świętokrzyskie and Małopolskie voivodeships. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted among cooperatives’ executives who were asked to assess the validity and state of resources and competences in the sphere of general resources. All housing cooperatives from the Świętokrzyskie and Małopolskie voivodeships were asked to take part in the research, however, because of the tendency of the representatives of cooperatives to participate in the research, the research had been conducted on a sample of 27 housing cooperatives of which 7.6% from Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship and 21% from Małopolskie voivodeship, using an interview questionnaire. Findings: Analysis of conducted research show that there is a positive correlation between the assessment of the importance of resources in the sphere of general resources and the competitive potential of the enterprise. The findings also show that the state of resources is not a moderator (a factor that determines whether or not there is a relationship) of the relationship between the importance of resources and the competitive potential. Moreover, voivodeship of the enterprise does not differentiate its competitive potential and the state of its resources in comparison to its competitors. Practical implications: The study shows that it is very important for managers to know all general resources and competences due to the fact that the understanding of the validity of general resources and competences allows to create the competitive potential. At the same time the knowledge of the state of general resources and competences in comparison to the competition allows the company to do everything to keep up with the competition and then outrun it. It shows what resources/competences are better than competitor’s and what need to be improved. Originality/value: The article theoretically describes general resources/competences of the company and empirically analyses the importance of having the knowledge of possessed resources/competences and its influence on competitive potential. The value of the research is that it confirms what appears to be obvious but in fact is not taken into account by most enterprises.
Opis fizyczny
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Opracowanie rekordu ze środków MNiSW, umowa nr SONP/SP/546092/2022 w ramach programu "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" - moduł: Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu (2024).
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