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Assessing the Solar Power Plant Efficiency Degradation Resulting from Heating

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Renewable power sources (RPS) play an ever growing role in power production. With the green power cost decreasing, the RPS share (including hydro power plants) in power production grows fast. Using RPS in supplying power to various facilities reduces the CO2 emission into atmosphere, thus reducing the greenhouse effect and being a fundamental factor in fighting the global warming. Every type of RPS possesses certain drawbacks that need to be eliminated. RPS units do have disadvantages, too, including low efficiency coefficient, and low specific power. However, there is the need for specific technological conditions. The present work describes the issue of photoelectric module heating. Photoelectric module heating results in both lower output voltage and module aging acceleration. The present work offers the method for assessing the practicability of development and implementation of solar power cell module active cooling systems, based on the photoelectric module daily performance schedules, drawing on statistic meteorological data collected over many years, and also it presents the brief description of various methods for cooling photoelectric modules.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 12 poz., rys.
  • Department of Electric Power Engineering and Electromechanics, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 2, 21-st Line, Vasilyevsky Island, 199106, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • Department of General Electrical Engineering, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 2, 21-st Line, Vasilyevsky Island, 199106, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • Department of Electric Power Engineering and Electromechanics, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 2, 21-st Line, Vasilyevsky Island, 199106, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
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Opracowanie rekordu w ramach umowy 509/P-DUN/2018 ze środków MNiSW przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę (2018).
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