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Possibility of Cl¯/Br¯ ratio application in the studies of origin of salinity and water quality
Języki publikacji
Cl-/Br- ratio is used for petroleum geology in exploration of hydrocarbon deposits. The value of this indicator is a measure of the process of diagenesis and the origin of groundwater salinity. This indicator can also be included in the environment studies - pollution of the waters. Chlorides and bromides origin may be endogenous and anthropogenic. Bromides and chlorides will penetrate into groundwater and surface water due to groundwater inflow. The salinity of these waters may be due to dissolution of evaporates, salt extrusion compaction due to the works of clay or clay and micro pores or dehydration of minerals during recrystallization. Enrichment of active water exchange zone in the chlorine and bromine may also be due to salt intrusion in coastal areas of infiltration of sea water. Anthropogenic origin of the chlorides and bromides may be the result of mining activity. Source of pollution with chlorine and bromine are also fertilizers, plant protection measures, fireproof, pharmaceuticals, industrial solvents, fuel additives and components for water purification and sewage farm, household, landfill leachate, road salt, etc. The paper presents two aspects of the application of Cl-/Br- - ratio: in the genesis of salinity and water quality. The Cl-/Br- ratio for the waters of the salt deposit are within the range of values from a few to tens of thousands. Increased content of bromides (lower index value Cl-/Br-) are characteristic of deposits of potassium salts or presence of potassium salts in the salt deposits. The values of Cl-/Br- ratios due to the variation of bromide content in salt rock being dissolved. Leaks can be a primary brine waters or infiltrations waters from surrounding rock strata, mineralized on the flow path waters. The presented data of Cl-/Br- ratio for wastewater and water pollution under the influence of municipal, livestock, etc. indicate that a wide range of values Cl-/Br- does not allow for unambiguous determination of pollution sources only on the value of this indicator. In Poland due to lack of legislation defining the bromides content standards determination the concentration of these ions were not widely implemented. Hence, in most cases, the characteristics of waters is not possible to calculate the ratio Cl-/Br- can range from several dozen to over a thousand. So the interpretation of its value has been presented against the background of the chloride content, mineralization or water conductivity. Low Cl-/Br- index values in waters with high mineralization is a prerequisite presence of organic matter, and high (several thousand) indicate leaching of salts or her presence. In the case of organic sources of pollution indicator value of Cl-/Br- also may be different by several orders of magnitude. Anthropogenic sources of water pollution can be both organic and inorganic and hence in the case of interference of various factors Cl-/Br- ratio is not clearly defined sources of water pollution. Determining the origin of groundwater salinity on the value of the ratio does not indicate clearly the source of contamination. However, based on initial characterization of the indicator value may set the direction for further research.
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Bibliogr. 20 poz., rys.
- Akadamia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Kraków
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