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An ephemeris of the Solar System in rectangular coordinates is produced by numerical integration of equations of motion of nine planets, the Moon, and the Sun. Recurrent power series method of 26th order is applied when integrating the equations of motion in barycentric equatorial coordinates. Initial data of the JPL DE405 ephemeris were used to prepare the starting data for our integration. A comparison with the JPL ephemeris shows that our ephemeris gives e.g., the solar coordinates in accordance to within ±5×10-8 a.u. in the interval of thousand years. Starting data for integration of equations of motion of five outer planets were prepared. Initial values of barycentric coordinates and velocity components for Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, and Hygiea were also found on the base of a large number of astrometric observations of those asteroids. A subroutine providing the planetary coordinates and velocity components for any date may be included as a source of necessary planetary data in computer routines for orbital computations. For a convenient practical use, we stored values of coordinates and velocity components of the Solar System in a file for 1001 dates from 1493 January 25.0 to 2150 March 11.0 every 240 days to choose the proper starting data for planetary integration. Examples of the orbital computations using the DE405/WAW ephemeris are presented.
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Bibliogr. 20 poz., tab., wykr.
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