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Physical modelling of changes in the energy impact on a worker taking into account high-temperature radiation

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Purpose: The purpose of this investigation is development of an experimental installation and definition the intensity of thermal irradiation at workplaces to ensure safety under condition of increased thermal radiation. This purpose is justified as follows. Human health and well-being depend to a large extent on conditions of the internal environment of the premises, which affect the heat exchange of workers with the surrounding surfaces. With this the spectral composition and intensity of irradiation are also important for assessing the effect of thermal radiation. Design/methodology/approach: The investigation was carried out using special experimental device. Uniformly lit semitransparent screen was used as a source of thermal radiation source. We used photo film with heat flow sensor ДТП 02 – ДТП 03 developed by Institute of Engineering Thermophysics under Academy of Science of Ukraine as model of the elementary surface of human body. Findings: Based on results of conducted research and optimization, we propose protective compositors that are nonflammable. This fact allows the increase in safety of facilities during operation and evacuation routes in emergency case due to high-temperature effects. Research limitations/implications: In this study, was focused on the dependence of the local angular coefficient of irradiation and maximum thermal loads, as well as the transition from indirect measurements to direct ones. This allows us to predict working conditions by the thermal factor in the workplace. Practical implications: The results of this study can be recommended to the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Industry for the development to reduce the incidence of occupational morbidity among workers who work under conditions of exposure of thermal radiation. Originality/value: It was disclosed that it is possible to determine the distance to the source of thermal radiation from the point of measurement and the angle at which the source of thermal radiation is visible with high accuracy. Moreover, measurement point may be located at a distance safe for the researcher.
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Bibliogr. 12 poz., rys., wykr.
  • Department of Logistics and Technical Support of Rescue Operations, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, 61023, Chernyshevska str., 94, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Department of Logistics and Technical Support of Rescue Operations, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, 61023, Chernyshevska str., 94, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Applied Mechanics and Environmental Technologies Department, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, 61023, Chernyshevska str., 94, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Department of Logistics and Technical Support of Rescue Operations, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, 61023, Chernyshevska str., 94, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Department of Logistics and Technical Support of Rescue Operations, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, 61023, Chernyshevska str., 94, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Department of Logistics and Technical Support of Rescue Operations, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, 61023, Chernyshevska str., 94, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Department of Electrotechnology and Electromechanics, Dnipro State Technical University, 51918, st. Dnipro construction., 2, Kamyansk, Ukraine
  • Department Life Safety, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 49600, Chernyshevskogo str., 24a, Dnipro, Ukraine
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Opracowanie rekordu w ramach umowy 509/P-DUN/2018 ze środków MNiSW przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę (2019).
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