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Urban environment influence on distribution part of logistics systems

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The irregularities of evolutionary development, continuous improvement of environmental component into transport and raise many unsolved problem in the fields of transport in logistics systems and material flows management. The city parameters analyses had highlighted connections with transport services technology. Also the distribution stage of the logistic chain, which consists of following market participants: incoming material flow, retailers and Transportation Company (carrier) in different cities has been considered. Transportation service is made by road transport. The paper compares results of transportation servicing in different cities and logistic chains with same technology. As performance indicator net present value has been used. Existing criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of distribution of material flows does not sufficiently take into account the time value of money and possible options for investment, so when estimating the performance of servicing of business investment indicators should be used. Paper should elucidate the impact of cities on the transport service efficacy. Practical suggestions on logistics system functioning and transportation service of retailers in urban area have been proposed. Obtained results discovered overall impact of city’s parameters (density of streets and roads network’ irregularity factor; automobilizationlevel; urban square; scheme of road network; city radius) on logistics according to model which include more than 50 parameters and allows finding regularities of changing logistics efficiency on them.
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Bibliogr. 43 poz., rys., tab.
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