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Interrelation of state information systems for land management

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State information systems play a significant role in information support of land management. Open state information systems and technologies are a modern mechanism of data collection, processing, analysis and publication for transparent, democratic, effective land resources management. Within the national Ukrainian context, land management activities are described by components presented in the article. The purpose of the study is to investigate the interrelation of different kinds of state information systems for land management. The following tasks are aimed at achieving the goal: to perform the analysis of types and forms of state information systems, to structure the information contained in the state information systems, and to research the interoperability of data of state information systems. Based on the results of the study, a structural model of effective land management is presented in the work. In the article, there is an example of the open data using regarding the state monitoring of surface water, which is open to users, as of March 2023, was used to make management decisions. The availability of complete open data regarding land and other natural resources provides the possibility of informed decision-making while ensuring effective land management in general and individual land plots in particular. The results of the study illustrate the need for further strengthening data interoperability in different state information systems.
Opis fizyczny
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