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Testing the suitability of the abundance biomass comparison bioassessment method in a Mediterranean river

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The Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC) emphasises the need for simple tools and studies to characterise aquatic ecosystems. A wide range of methods has been developed, including different groups of biota and different taxonomic resolutions. Among these, the abundance biomass comparison (ABC) method is an important methodology widely used in marine benthic systems and well-founded from the ecological point of view. This method - with a slight modification using genera and families instead of species - was applied in a Mediterranean river (Eliche-Frío, northeast of Andalusia, Spain) using the macroinvertebrate community, together with the Margalef richness index and the Iberian BioMonitoring Working Party (IBMWP) to determine the quality of the water. The obtained results show the suitability of the ABC curves method to analyse the macroinvertebrate community and estimate the ecological status of river ecosystems. Although both, the genus and family aggregations, showed a similar trend, the values obtained with the family level indicate a worse state of contamination than those shown with the genus level. The comparison between genus and family levels with other biological indices shows that the evaluation obtained with family aggregation is more similar to those obtained with the Margalef and IBMWP indices than the evaluation based on genera; therefore, we could conclude that this level of taxonomic resolution is adequate for the use of the ABC method in assessing the ecological status of Mediterranean rivers.
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