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On-line ash monitor based on dual energy absorption method with mobile measuring unit
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W Instytucie Technik Innowacyjnych „EMAG” zbudowano popiołomierz absorpcyjny, który skanuje całą strugę węgla na taśmie, prostopadle do jej ruchu, pozwalając na pomiar zawartości popiołu w strudze węgla utworzonej z kilku wysypów. Przedstawiono koncepcję części mechanicznej i elektrycznej oraz budowę prototypu popiołomierza, a także wstępne wyniki pomiarów.
This paper describes a project developed in the Institute EMAG with the aim to build an on-line ash monitor which scans the entire width of coal bed on the conveyor belt perpendicularly to the belt’s movement. In many cases, the coal bed on a conveyor belt in a coal preparation plant is composed of a few layers of coal of different quality, laid out asymmetrically along the belt. In such conditions, correct measurements of ash content using conventional dual energy ash monitor with fixed measuring unit are impossible to perform because only a narrow longitudinal section of the coal bed can be scanned. The results of measurements of coal samples with different ash content and asymmetrical lay-out on the belt, carried out with the model of ash monitor with a mobile measuring unit, proved good accuracy of the measurement. The obtained differences between the weighted averages of ash content of the samples and the indications of the ash monitor ranged from 0.25 to 2.05 % of ash. Conception of the on-line ash monitor based on dual energy absorption method with mobile measuring unit has been presented in detail. The results of tests and obtained measurements were discussed as well.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 3 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
- Instytut Technik Innowacyjnych „EMAG” w Katowicach
- Instytut Technik Innowacyjnych „EMAG” w Katowicach
- Instytut Technik Innowacyjnych „EMAG” w Katowicach
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