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The assesment of the effectiveness of selected innovation support instruments used in Poland in 2007-2013

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The international competitiveness of the national economy largely depends on the innovative abilities of companies and domestic industry. In this context, adequate shaping of national innovation policy is of crucial importance. It is essential to direct innovation policy in such a way that it should lead to the development of opportunities associated with current and future competitive advantages of the economy. The article contains an assessment of the impact of selected public support instruments used in Poland in the period 2007-2013 for the intensification of the innovation processes in the domestic economy. The purpose of the research is to analyse and assess the effectiveness of selected public support instruments implemented in Poland in the 2007 – 2013 period. This leads to the following research hypothesis: public support instruments implemented in Poland in the years 2007 – 2013 had an impact on the level of innovativeness of Polish economy when compared to 2004 – 2006 period. The research method included the evaluation of: 1) the compliance of the aims of the investigated instruments with the general and detailed objectives of “Dynamic Poland 2020” strategy and 2) the influence of the investigated instruments on the changes of the indicators that measure innovation performance (innovation enablers and innovation results).
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