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The Paris Agreement came into force in 2016. Now, there are 196 parties to this Agreement, including Russia. The purpose of the accommodation is to hold the increase in the global average temperature below 2°C and to make efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. Another important goal of this Agreement is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to UNFCCC-2015. Each participating country at the national level plans special activities that will help to achieve these goals. In general, this should reduce the rate of global warming. The goals of the Paris Agreement can be achieved either by introduction of new technologies that exclude the formation of a large amount of carbon footprint or termination of the usage of fossil fuels for electricity production. The formation of a carbon footprint is observed at all mining enterprises, regardless of the extracted raw materials. In this case, the amount of carbon footprint depends only on the extraction technologies and the success of ecological measures.
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Bibliogr. 123 poz., rys., tab.
- Department of Geoecology, Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, 199106, Russia alexeystrizhenok@mail.ru
- Department of Geoecology, Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, 199106, Russia 0000-0001-9150-4201
- Department of Geoecology, Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, 199106, Russia Korotaeva_AE@pers.spmi.ru
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