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Grass species and varieties in mixtures for lawns and sports stadium
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Advances in the preparation of grass mixtures, which occurred in the course of years, resulted in the reduction of the use of single grass species. Utilising increasingly comprehensive information about possibilities of grass competitiveness as well as their response to site conditions, it is easy to select appropriate components for seed mixtures. When deciding to sow a single species, it is essential to apply a good variety. The objective of sowing a single species is to standardise a lawn or a playing ground. The principle idea is to eliminate aggressive and competitive species as this helps advantageous characters of a given species to come out more clearly. The disadvantage of this procedure is that the prepared substrate is faster colonized by alien, unwelcome species of grasses and weeds. Additionally, the sown variety is more exposed to infection with diseases. A mixture is easier to apply when the user lacks know ledge about soil-climatic conditions of a given object. Additionally, a mixture tolerates better damages caused by diseases. However, mixtures that are excessively developed botanically may easily be dominated by undesirable species as evidenced by frequent dominations of Agrostis tenuis or Festuca rubra. Effects of this kind of domination rarely occur on playing fields, as the above-mentioned species do not tolerate severe trampling. Classical English lawn mixtures with Agrostis tenuis or Festuca rubra still remain favourite in case of oraamental lawns. In moist conditions, Agrostis tenuis is often replaced by Agrostis canina var. canina. Within Festuca rubra species, cuitivars with short tillers appear to give best results. The best species for intensively utilised lawns (for sporting events) - which are exposed to the wear of turf - the most desirable components of mixtures are good varieties of Poa pratensis, preferably in combinations with late cultivars of Lolium perenne with narrow leaf blades. Mixtures containing Festuca rubra or Festuca arundinacea are recommended for dry soil conditions. The latest mixtures recommended for football grounds in climalic conditions of Westem Europe contain only two or three most valuable Lolium perenne cultivars. Golf grounds are sown exclusively with Agrostis tenuis or Festuca rubra cultivars that develop strong, dense turf and are resistant to frequent cutting. Confection companies determine weight proportions of individual components in mixtures.
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Bibliogr. 30 poz., tab.
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