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Lithological indicators of loess sedimentation of SW Poland

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High-resolution grain-size investigations were carried out in two SW Polish loess sections: Biały Kościół (Niemcza-Strzelin Hills) and Zaprężyn (Trzebnica Hills). Each sequence was sampled by using the same methodology and samples were taken at 5 centimeters intervals. The particle size distribution was obtained with a Mastersizer 2000 laser, used for diffraction methods. From the obtained results the basic parameters and grain size indicators were calculated: Mz, Grain Size Index ratio, U-ratio and the percentage content of clay (< 4μm) and sand (> 63 μm). Both loess- soil sequences are composed of interfluve and slope loess facies and consist of five litho-pedostratigraphic units developed during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene: two loess units L1LL1, L1LL2 and three polygenetic fossil soils sets S0, S1 and L1SS1. The distance between these two profiles is about 60 km. Zaprężyn, as a section located more to the north, has almost no lower younger loess and higher level of weathering which could be related to proximity of this site to the Ice Sheet margin. The climate here was more extreme and harsh. What is more,the difference in development of soil L1SS1 can be observed: while in Biały Kościół pedogenesis process was slower and less disturbed than in Zaprężyn. The upper part of L1SS1 in Biały Kościół was deformed by gelifluction, frost heave and other periglacial processes. Mz indicator by the grain-size distribution in these sediments reflects subtle variations in the climatic system. Moreover, in Zaprężyn the content of sand fraction is higher than in Biały Kościół what can be the evidence of short episodes of strong winds during cold period of sedimentation. The aim of this paper is to compare two loess profiles by their stratigraphical and lithological similarities which are result of climate conditions and features of surrounding environment.
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Bibliogr. 72 poz., rys., wykr.
  • University of Wroclaw, Institute of Geography and Regional Development, 1 Uniwersytecki Sqr., 50-137 Wroclaw, Poland
  • University of Wroclaw, Institute of Geography and Regional Development, 1 Uniwersytecki Sqr., 50-137 Wroclaw, Poland
  • University of Wroclaw, Institute of Geography and Regional Development, 1 Uniwersytecki Sqr., 50-137 Wroclaw, Poland
  • University of Wroclaw, Institute of Geography and Regional Development, 1 Uniwersytecki Sqr., 50-137 Wroclaw, Poland
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