Warianty tytułu
Shaping the immunity of organizational units to global threats
Języki publikacji
Organizatorzy Światowego Forum Ekonomicznego w Davos od kilku lat realizują coroczne badanie 1000 ekspertów reprezentujących przemysł, rząd, naukowców oraz społeczeństwo. Celem badania jest wskazanie pięćdziesięciu zagrożeń globalnych, które najprawdopodobniej wystąpią w ciągu najbliższych dziesięciu lat. W raporcie Globalne zagrożenia 2013 podzielono je na 5 grup według elementów [systemów składowych] makrosystemu gospodarka-środowisko-społeczeństwo-informacja-instytucje.
In the modern history global threats have never been visible to such degree and extent as it is at present. For several years for the needs of the World Economic Forum in Davos there have been analyzed fifty threats. The number of these threats is not becoming smaller, yet the degree to which some of them have influence does change. Global threats are becoming a great challenge for management sciences. There emerged an urgent demand for designing methods, processes and instruments of management. The paper presents those examples of threats that are present in each element of the macrosystem: economy-society-environment information-institutions as well as the conditionings and the manner of shaping the resistance of organizational units to these threats. The paper discusses the manner of understanding as well as the way of shaping its capacity. As the key instrument there was shown the National strategy of increasing the resistance to global threats. The strategy ought to constitute the collection of several strategies and detailed programs, e.g. it needs to comprise the Strategy of shaping the resistance to climate changes, long-term plan of national spatial management or the Program of counteracting social exclusion and poverty.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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