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Absolute chronology of the Zedmar culture: Re-thinking radiocarbon dates

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Conference Proceedings of the 12th International Conference “Methods of Absolute Chronology” May 11-13th, 2016, Gliwice-Paniówki, Poland
Języki publikacji
The Zedmar culture is linked with the subneolithic circle of the South-Eastern Baltic region. So far, excavations have been carried out only on seven archaeological sites. Nonetheless, there are quite a lot of radiocarbon measurements. Most of them refer to the stratigraphic contexts. This allows to integrate all of the data into statistical models. With these, it is possible to query some statements about the Zedmar culture origin and its duration. At least as long as placing the Zedmar culture into an absolute timescale may offer any solution to those issues. The idea that radiocarbon dates could provide solutions or even final answers to some arguable questions in prehistorical studies was dropped, as soon as it became clear that in the whole approach the key role is played by calibration methods and the general variability of sampled material. However – thanks to including Bayesian analysis, a better understanding of dated materials and more complex examination of received results – it has been asserted again.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 36 poz., rys.
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