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The purpose of this study is to examine the entropy generation for a Magnetohydrodynamic flow of a Casson fluid subject to a vertical cone. Here the impact of reaction by chemical and diffusion-thermo is scrutinized. Physical aspects of radiative flux transverse to the surface are deliberated. The governing non-linear PDEs and the expression for entropy generation are non-dimensionalized with the help of dimensionless quantities. Finite difference technique is implemented to get numerical and graphical results for the non-linear system. Bejan number for the heat transfer is also examined. The results obtained shows that entropy generation and Bejan number are strongly influence by the embedded flow parameters.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 16 poz., wykr.
- Department of Mathematics, Cotton University, INDIA
- Department of Mathematics, Cotton University, INDIA
- Department of Mathematics, Cotton University, INDIA
- Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University, INDIA
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