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The Use of Complex Networks Tools to Describe the Current State of Multidisciplinary Research in Poland

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The purpose of this research was to specify the interrelationships of various scientific disciplines based on the official declarations of scientists. The most required scientific disciplines were identified for multidisciplinary research. Undirected graphs with the specified parameters were used for modelling of community structure. On the basis of an open database POLON, a graph was created for the connections among disciplines of science. The number of scientists in particular branches and disciplines of science was presented. The connections with in the branches of science and disciplines were shown. Four different measures were considered: percentage of double declarants, vertex degree, weighted vertex degree and betweenness centrality. The disciplines with highest level of interdisciplinarity were found, namely: biomedical engineering, informatics, culture and religious sciences, health sciences, and security sciences. On the contrary, very isolated disciplines were found, including the following: musical arts, astronomy, visual arts and conservation of cultural heritage, veterinary medicine, and archeology. Finally, it was concluded that two branches research (medicals sciences or management and quality sciences) are the most interdisciplinary in Poland.
  • Department of Applied Mathematics, Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 38D, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
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