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Marketing jako narzędzie realizacji ścieżek strategicznych ekonomii zrównoważonego rozwoju

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Marketing as a Tool in the Accomplishment of Strategic Paths of the Economics of Sustainable Development
Języki publikacji
One of the most crucial challenges in a modern civilization, is environment protection, which constitutes natural life fundament, including all human activities. In the second half of the twentieth century, it became certain, that continuing current, narrowly understood economic development will not ensure a stable improvement of economic, ecological and social conditions, both for present and future generations. Problems such as depletion of non-renewable resources, an endangerment of renewable resources (e.g. intensive fishing leading to species extinction), overpopulation, environment pollution on a global scale and connected with this fact, an impact on human health, species diversity and natural landscapes, global warming, the change of consumption models from resource-efficient and concentrated on spiritual values, and long periods ones into wasteful ones, and the ones which are directed into material values and extemporary, an increasing risk of control of most world markets through international corporations, all these lead to life quality deterioration. An alternative development conception is sustainable development. The accomplishment of sustainable development requires a change towards managing process and that is why, many economists postulate for a replacement of neoclassical assumptions of economics by the economics of sustainable development. Neoclassical economics treats natural resources as one of the production factor, and its aim is their optimal usage. However, the aim of sustainable development is so called sustainable managing, which effect is a guarantee of economic, ecological and socio-cultural standard of current and future generations on a natural level of nature resistance. It means that natural capital in the conditions of passing time and generations’ succession should remain stable or increase. Sustainable managing requires applying many various means and instruments, which can be aligned to three strategic paths of the economics of sustainable development: Effectiveness strategy – assumes tenfold increase of resources efficiency; already existing products are formed in a way, which makes the use of resources to be a more efficient one (including the reduction of pollution emission); Cohesion strategy – new products are worked out, the products, which satisfy sustainable development requirements; Sufficiency strategy – means voluntary deciding on a gradual change of people’s own life in a socially responsible way i.e. developing, according to inter-generational and intra-generational principle of justice. It is mainly about limiting the consumption of natural resources, because the tolerance borders of nature have already been exceeded. The aim of this article is the analysis of the usability of marketing concept to the accomplishment of strategic paths of the economics of sustainable development. One of the key issues, which pervades current representatives of the economics of sustainable development, is looking for the tools for the accomplishment of strategic paths. A universal tool, which can be used in those three strategies is sustainable marketing, defined as a process of satisfying consumers and society’s needs through planning and making conceptions, prices, promotions and distributions of ideas, good and services real, in such a way that satisfies the exchange of counterparties and which is sustainable at the same time. Such an understanding of marketing includes both view point of recipient and society, whose aim is to integrate economic, ecological and socio-cultural benefits. The conception of sustainable marketing can be used by each socio-economic entity, both for-profit and non-profit. The accomplishment of the effectiveness strategy, first of all, requires a proper redesigning of current products and then the products should bring success on the market. However, the cohesion strategy is based on so called eco-design of new products, forming unconventional solutions and providing recipients for them. Both strategies are becoming more popular, because they interfere only a little bit with the existing socio-economic system. They also allow to implement changes in an evolutionary way and give the engaged counterparties time for preparation to new requirements. That is why, they are accomplished within marketing organizations for-profit activities. Whereas, the efficiency strategy is still unpopular. Within this strategy, sacrifices, social responsibility, ethical actions, attitudes and behaviours’ changes – often of revolutionary character, are required from all socio-economic entities. This strategy is often accomplished by non-profit organizations, and its effectiveness mostly depends on the level of sustainable marketing conception usage.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 30 poz., rys.
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