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Changes in the C:N Ratio in the Sludge Treated with Natural Methods

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The aim of the study was to evaluate the changes in the carbon/nitrogen ratio as a result of different natural methods of sewage sludge treatment from two municipal wastewater treatment plants. The sludge from the first treatment plant was poured into two lagoons, one covered with reed and the other with willow and a field with Californian earthworms. The sludge from the second treatment plant was composted with sawdust. The sludge processed with each method was simultaneously subjected to Effective Microorganisms. The samples of processed sludge from both treatment plants were collected three times. In the first one, after five weeks, four months and ten months from the beginning of treatment. The material from the second treatment plant was composted after four, ten weeks and a year of composting. In the samples taken, the total nitrogen content was determined by means of the Kjeldahl method. The determination of the organic carbon content was carried out on a TOC analyser. The C:N ratio was then calculated. It was found that the changes in the C:N ratio depended on the duration of individual processes, and to a lesser extent on the way they were processed. The carbon content during sludge processing increased or remained at a similar level and the nitrogen content decreased with time of their processing, regardless of the EM addition. The addition of Effective Microorganisms to the sludge treatment reduced the C:N ratio in the first period of time and increased this ratio to the optimal value after 10 months or a year. The best technology for sludge processing appeared to be the technology of heap composting with sawdust and with aeration. The ten-week compost had a suitable C/N ratio for use in lawn production.
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Bibliogr. 28 poz., tab.
  • Department of Technology in Environmental Engineering, Bialystok University of Technology, ul. Wiejska 45E, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
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