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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in CRM - possibility of effective integration, opportunities and threats

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Purpose: The purpose of this article is to discuss the aptitude and readiness of companies to carry out effective integration of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems with Artificial Intelligence. Design/methodology/approach: The article attempts to answer the following research questions: RQ1: Are companies ready to use AI in their CRM systems? RQ2: What are the most common AI tools used in CRM systems? RQ3: What are the most common opportunities and threats of using AI in CRM systems? In view of the above, an analysis of national and international literature sources and an analysis of recent research from the IT industry on trends in the use of AI, particularly in customer service, as well as an original pilot study using an online questionnaire were adopted as the research method. The pilot research was conducted among 104 companies via the Internet. Findings: The evaluation of the data collected showed that companies are aware of the calls made on them by the evolution of modern technologies using artificial intelligence and how important it is, in view of the above, to integrate the CRM system with AI and, where possible, to use its facilities to improve customer service and business in general. Research limitations/implications: The conducted study was of a pilot nature, in the future it is planned to conduct a wider research in order to verify a greater number of variables affecting the integration of AI with CRM. Artificial Intelligence is a constantly evolving topic, limiting the verification of only a few variables affecting the integration of AI with CRM may quickly become obsolete. Practical implications: The integration of AI capabilities with CRM is recognised as one of the key factors for improving the speed and efficiency of customer service. The pilot survey indicated what the general sentiment and readiness of companies to use the potential of AI is, how the application of AI can help organisations gain the adaptive organisational capabilities needed to increase overall business efficiency and CRM effectiveness, paying attention to the key goals and opportunities, paying attention to the key goals and opportunities that have been described in detail, as well as the risks associated with the integration of artificial intelligence with CRM. Social implications: In view of the widespread fear of replacing some work positions with Artificial Intelligence, the conducted research indicates that some of them may be a bit exaggerated and some justified, especially when it comes to repetitive analytical tasks in the CRM system. Originality/value: The article deals with the current topic of using Artificial Intelligence solutions in business.
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