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Ekonomiczne aspekty budowy i eksploatacji suszarni słonecznej

Treść / Zawartość
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Economical aspects of construction and operation of a solar drying plant of sewage sludge
Języki publikacji
Celem pracy była analiza ekonomicznych aspektów budowy i eksploatacji suszarni słonecznej osadów uzyskiwanych podczas procesu oczyszczania scieków w gminnej oczyszczalni na przykładzie trzech wariantów inwestyczyjnych, zróżnicowanych pod względem stosowanych urządzeń: wariant 1 (podstawowy) – suszarnia o wymiarach 33,6 x 32 x 5,96 m i wydajności 400 Mg/rok. Obiekt istniejący, powstały w 2007 roku w ramach modernizacji oczyszczalni ścieków w Bytkowie, był pierwszym tego typu obiektem w Polsce, w którym zastosowano promieniowanie słoneczne (źródło energii odnawialnej) do procesu osuszania osadów, wariant 2 – suszarnia o wymiarach 33,6 x 32 x 5,96 m i założonej wydajności 800 Mg/rok. W stosunku do rozwiązań wariantu 1 suszarnię planuje się wyposażyć dodatkowo w urządzenia do mechanicznego przewracania osadów (przewracarka), wariant 3 – suszarnia słoneczna o wymiarach 120 x 12 x 5,96 m i założonej wydajności 1200 Mg/rok. W stosunku do rozwiązań wariantu 1 suszarnię planuje się wyposażyć w urządzenia do mechanicznego przewracania osadów (przewracarka) oraz do wentylacji.
The paper presents an analysis of economic aspects of the construction and operation of a solar drying plant of sludge accumulating during the process of sludge removal in a communal sewage treatment plant, on the basis of three investment variants differentiated regarding the applied installations: Variant 1 (the basic one) of the drying plant represents a building covering an area of 33.6 x 32 m x 5.96 m and an expected output of 400 Mg per year. The existing object was developed in the year 2007 within the modernization of the sewage treatment plant in Bytkow. It was the first object of this type in Poland, where solar radiation (the source of renewable energy) was applied to the drying process of sludge. Variant 2 a drying plant with an area of 33.6 x 32 x 5.96 m and an assumed output of 800 Mg per year.. In comparison with Variant 1, the drying plant should have an additional installation for mechanical turning-over of the sludge (a turning-over device). Variant 3 a solar drying plant measuring 120 x 12 x 5.96 m and with an assumed output of 1200 Mg per year. In relation to variant 1, it is planned to equip the drying plant with an installation for mechanical turning-over of the sludge (a turning-over device) and an installation for ventilation. The calculation of the construction and operation, as well as the expected effects was carried out on the basis of financial data (balance-sheet) obtained from the plant operation in an Enterprise of Communal Services in Rokietnica, from our own calculations and from data referring to the rates and unit prices in the year 2011 without the VAT tax. For the estimation of the technical and economic effectiveness of the absorptive power of the analysed investment, the following indices of capital consumption have been applied: capital absorptive power of the unit cost of plant operation, the mean annual unit cost of the actualized net value and the discounted return period. The total costs of the object construction can be essentially differentiated and they can amount from 0.623 mln PLN, in case of the basic variant, to 1.585 mm. PLN for the most technologically advanced variant equipped with installations for mechanical turning-over of sludge (a turning-over device) and for ventilation. Taking into consideration the surface area of the analysed drying plant, the unit cost has been estimated for 580.944 PLN and 1101 PLN, respectively, for 1 2. The running operation costs of the particular solar drying plant variants, the pay costs, insurance costs and other services for the workers have been added. In case of variants 2 and 3 of the sewage treatment plant, also the costs of material consumption, energy and foreign services needed for the proper functioning of the additionally in-stalled technical installations have been added. The annual operation costs of variants 1, 2 and 3 have been estimated for 11, 32 and 135 PLN per one square meter of the drying plant area, respectively. In conditions of the accepted assumptions referring to the efficiency of the installations, the annual revenue for the basic variant of the drying plant can amount to 80 thous. PLN, while for the variant euipped with the turning-over device to 364 thous. PLN, while for the variant equipped with a turning-over device and the ventilation installation, the costs can reach 546 thous. PLN. The introduction of additional installations would potentially increase the economic productivity of variant 2 by about 4.5-times, and the variant 3 - by 6.8 times, in relation to the basic variant 1. Taking into consideration the assumed parameters of the calculation, all three analysed variants of sludge drying plant can be regarded as profitable ones. From the economic point of view, the most justified is the realization of the object equiped with a device for the turning-over of the sludge. The return of the investment outlays, in case of the last variant may be expected after 3 years and 9 months from the date of the started plant operation, while the total value with a net profit value (NPV) can be expected after 18 years of the object operation and it can amount to about 2 millions PLN.
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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