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Distribution and management of therapeutic and thermal waters as well as seltzers in Poland (Release)
Języki publikacji
Komunikat zawiera krótkie omówienie podstaw prawnych eksploatacji wód leczniczych, termalnych i solanek, rozmieszczenie złóż tych wód w Polsce, sposoby wykorzystania kopaliny oraz działalność Wyższego Urzędu Górniczego w zakresie kontroli gospodarki złożem w procesie eksploatacji wód leczniczych i termalnych oraz solanek w latach 2011–2016.
Therapeutic and thermal waters and seltzers in Poland are subject to the mining usufruct right and their exploitation can be carried out upon obtaining a concession. Most of the facilities extracting therapeutic waters are located in health resorts and towns located in the south of Poland, including the Sudetes and Carpathians together with the Carpathian Foredeep. The Sudetes region characterizes with the greatest accumulation of mineral waters with a very diverse physical and chemical composition as well as high yield. In the Carpathian region, the largest grouping of facilities exploiting therapeutic waters is located within health resort municipalities: Krynica, Muszyna and Piwniczna. There is a lot of sulfide water in the Carpathian Foredeep. Saltish and salty chloride and sodium water as well as iodide water are present within the coastal band. Therapeutic waters are commonly used for balneological and bottling purposes as well as for the production of healthy products, such as salts, lye, sludge and pharmaceuticals. The supervision over the exploitation of these waters is carried out by mining supervising authorities, whose activities have contributed to the elimination of the majority of previously identified irregularities.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 6 poz.
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