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Risk assessment of irrigation with water contaminated by trace metals on the soil-plant complex in the El Madher plain, north-east Algeria

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Polluted water poses significant health risks when it is part of the water sources used for irrigation, leading to the contamination of soil and plants by various pollutants. This work aims, firstly, to assess the degree of pollution of Wadi El Gourzi water (Batna, Algeria), and then to verify the consequences on their use for the irrigation of market garden plants for everyday consumption (lettuce, cilantro, parsley and spinach), both in the aerial part (stems and leaves) and in the soil where they are grown. This study focuses on trace metals (Cr, Pb, Zn and Cd). Soil pollution was assessed by calculating the soil pollution index (PI), while the uptake of these elements by plants was monitored by the transfer factor (TF). The analyses of the Wadi El Gourzi water with the flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (FAAS) show a maximum abnormal concentration of Cr (17.37 mg∙dm-3), Pb (0.71 mg∙dm-3) and Cd (0.45 mg∙dm-3). For the analysis of the soils irrigated by these waters, the results of the PI show that the soils used for the cultivation of parsley and lettuce are polluted by several metals (PI > 1). The concentrations of trace metals elements (TMEs) in the sampled plants show a significant accumulation of Zn, Cd, Pb and Cr by the vegetables (coriander, parsley, spinach and lettuce). These concentrations are above the permitted standards.
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Bibliogr. 47 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
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