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Main zones of dеер faults of the Ukrainian Carpathians with adjacent regions апd their influence on oil аnd gas bearing
Nauka, technika i technologia w rozwoju poszukiwań i wydobycia węglowodorów w warunkach lądowych i morskich : międzynarodowa konferencja naukowo-techniczna Geopetrol 2008 : Zakopane, 15--18.09.2008
Języki publikacji
The territory under study includes: Ukrainian segment of the Eastern Carpathians with Carpathian foredeep and Transcarpathian Depression and Volyno-Podillia margin of the East-European Platform. Rather good extent of study of these regions by geological and seismic prospecting methods, drilling, remote methods, study of seismicity and heat flows from subsurfaсе, cropping out of volcanites allowed to distinguish аnd trace the main zones of deep faults. The longitudinal faults are distinguished and traced with north-west and south-east direction: Rivnensky. Lutsk-Kamianets-Podilsky. Teysseyre-Tornquist zone, Fore-Carpathian and Trans-Carpathian. Of transverse faults with south-west and north-east direction are distinguished: Cheremoshsky, Solotvino-Nadvirniansko-Dubnensky, Khust=Stryi-Lokachynsky, Uzhgorod-Khodnovichsky. Processes of origin and development of deep faults zones are related with resulting plate and micro- plate movement from south-east, with activation of transeuropean riftogenesis in Teysseyre-Tornquist zone. Analysis of the discovered oi1 and gas fields location within the territory under study showed that many of them, including the big ones, are located in the zones of deep faults, especially in places of intersection of longitudinal and transverse faults, which is probably related with the improved conditions of hydrocarbons migration. The revealed regularities can be used for prospecting for the new oi1 and gas accumulations.
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Bibliogr. 3 poz., rys.
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