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Purpose: Research of determinands Smart City development in NETZero Economy environment. Design/methodology/approach: This research shows the theory of 4T potentials, covering areas like technology, trust, talent and tolerance. Findings: This study attempts to identify results of 4T implementation in chosen cities of GZM Metropoly to identify, acquire, and develop Smart City areas and possibly synergy. Research limitations/implications: The author tries to identify by the research of local politics the innovative potential of a learning city and to diagnose the innovative potential of cities in the context of an energy efficiency, entrepreneurship, innovativeness of residents, and entities that support innovativeness. The problem is lack of implemented the politics of evelopment in research area in the cities. Practical implications: The author shows the examples that the local governments of selected cities are not prepared to use the synergies resulting from the possibilities offered by Smart City in the technology areas. Social implications: The author shows the examples that the local governments of selected cities are not prepared to use the synergies resulting from the possibilities offered by Smart City in the Social like Trust, Trust or Tolerance. Originality/value: Using 4T Theory in research because this study attempts to identify results of 4T implementation in chosen cities of GZM Metropoly to identify, acquire, and develop Smart City areas and possibly synergy in NETZero Economy development.
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Bibliogr. 37 poz.
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