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Delineating suitable site for settlement in potential earthquake vulnerable areas using spatial multi-criteria decision analysis in the Sukabumi regency, Indonesia

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Land suitability assessment is an important stage in land use planning that guides the direction of optima land use. The objective of this study was to select a suitable location for settlements in earthquake-prone areas using the integration of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographical Information System (GIS). In total, six maps were considered to determine a suitable location for settlements, namely topography, soil, geology, land cover/land use, a regional spatial planning pattern map, and an earthquake vulnerability map. The results showed that in medium earthquake-prone areas, the suitable land area which are available for settlement was 90.25 km2 (46.36% of the total land area available - 194.68 km2). Whereas in highly earthquake-prone areas, the suitable and available land area was 528.11 km2 (70.25% of the total land area in the high vulnerability zone - 751.81 km2). The research proved that AHP and GIS integration is very effective and robust for mapping land suitability in earthquake-prone areas. The results of the analysis can be used by planners to prioritize settlement development in the Sukabumi regency. The methodology developed is recommended to be applied in selecting locations for settlements in other parts of Indonesia.
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Bibliogr. 48 poz., rys., tab.
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