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The modern paradigm of the agricultural technological process efficiency: A review

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At present, a deep transformation of the agrobiocenose organisation under the intense anthropogenic factors’ influence is of particular importance. Thus, a significant increase in the number and harmfulness of pests’, phytopathogens’ and weeds species was noted due to the prevailing favourable conditions for their mass reproduction, expansion of habitats, and harmfulness, which inevitably leads to a significant deterioration in the phytosanitary state of cultivated crops. The phytosanitary trouble of agrobiocenoses allows us to say that today plant protection, being the final link in the cultivating technology for agricultural crops, is one of the most important stages in preserving the harvest improving the quality of the products obtained, and reducing their cost. In the current study it was tried to review the modern paradigm of the agricultural technological process efficiency. The relevance of this research is due to the fact that modern technological processes in agriculture cannot be implemented without the practical use of plant protection measures, in particular, the chemical method, which consists in the use of chemical compounds against pathogens of plants, pests, weeds, and is the most common, contributing to a significant increase in the yield of cultivated crops and labour productivity in agricultural production. All this, in our opinion, indicates the high practical significance of the results obtained.
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