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Turning requirements into working systems is the essence of software engineering. This paper proposes automation of one of the aspects of this vast problem: generating user interfaces directly from requirements models. It presents syntax and semantics of a comprehensible yet precise domain specification language. For this language, the paper presents the process of generating code for the user interface elements. This includes model transformation procedures to generate window initiation code and event handlers associated with these windows. The process is illustrated with an example based on an actual system developed using the presented approach.
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Bibliogr. 34 poz., rys., wykr.
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Theory of Electrical Engineering, Measurement and Information Systems, Warsaw University of Technology
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Theory of Electrical Engineering, Measurement and Information Systems, Warsaw University of Technology
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Theory of Electrical Engineering, Measurement and Information Systems, Warsaw University of Technology
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Theory of Electrical Engineering, Measurement and Information Systems, Warsaw University of Technology
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Theory of Electrical Engineering, Measurement and Information Systems, Warsaw University of Technology
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Theory of Electrical Engineering, Measurement and Information Systems, Warsaw University of Technology
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