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Shopping tourism as a factor in the development of peripheral areas on the example of the Polish-Ukrainian borderland

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The progressing globalization process and the accompanying changes in the approach to the role of borders influence the perception of border areas. For decades, borderlands were treated as peripheral. In many cases it resulted in impeding the processes of socio-economic development, which further deepened the isolation and peripherality of those areas. The article presents selected results of research conducted by the author in the area of the Polish-Ukrainian borderland, related to shopping tourism. Shopping tourism is a significant factor in the development of peripheral areas. According to official statistics, as many as 94% of foreigners visiting Poland in 2017 declared shopping as the purpose of their visit. It was the Ukrainian citizens who spent the most on shopping in Poland in 2017. They spent over PLN 750 on the purchase of products and services per one person crossing the border. In the same period, Belarusians spent PLN 624 on purchases in Poland, Lithuanians PLN 532, Russians PLN 455, Germans PLN 461, Slovaks PLN 315, and Czechs PLN 285 per person. In the Polish-Ukrainian border area, 91% of expenses of Ukrainian citizens in Poland are incurred at a distance of less than 50 km from the border (89% in an area up to 30 km). This means that in an area within 50 km from the border with Ukraine, revenues related only to the shopping of Ukrainian citizens travelling to Poland amount to over PLN 6 billion. Expenses related to shopping tourism affect the development of entrepreneurship on the Polish-Ukrainian border.
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