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Emisje gazowe podczas gospodarki gnojowicą

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Gas emissions during slurry management
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Rozwój intensywnej produkcji zwierzęcej przyczynia się do skażenia środowiska naturalnego. Jednym z czynników powodujących degradację gleb, wód i atmosfery są odchody zwierzęce. Bezściółkowy system generuje odchody w postaci gnojowicy, która nieracjonalnie zagospodarowana staje się źródłem emisji gazowych. Z budynków inwentarskich podczas magazynowania oraz nawożenia gruntów rolnych dochodzi do emisji zarówno gazów odorowych, jak i cieplarnianych. Emisja amoniaku i siarkowodoru jest uciążliwa dla lokalnej społeczności. Niekorzystnie wpływa również na dobrostan utrzymywanych zwierząt i osób pracujących w budynkach inwentarskich, co może prowadzić w skrajnych przypadkach do zatrucia. Z kolei emisja metanu i podtlenku azotu pogłębia efekt cieplarniany, odpowiadający za zmiany klimatu. Dodatkowo, podtlenek azotu powoduje uszkodzenie warstwy ozonowej.
Pollution of the natural environment is caused by the animal production. The intensification of animal farming results from enrichment of society and population growth. Both processes are observed on the territories of both developed and developing countries. Farm animals’ breeding is inseparably connected with gas emissions, which are the cause of the natural environment pollution. These emissions originate when the animal fodder undergoes the process of digestion. Another source of gas emission are animal faeces, which are generated in form of slurry, during the intensive animal production process. Enormous amounts of slurry are produced in the intensive waste storage conditions. It is used as a natural fertilizer, but it requires rational management, which would help to reduce the amount of emitted gases. Livestock housings and slurry containers are the most responsible sources of gas emissions. The nuisance of animal productions is connected with the emission of odour gases. They cause the decrease in the efficiency of animal production. This is also the group of gases, which are very bothersome for the local community. Hydrogen sulphide and ammonia are two representatives of odour gases. These two gases cause upper respiratory tract problems and eyes’ irritation. The exposure to greater amounts of hydrogen sulphide and ammonia may even lead to death. Both also lead to corrosion. Ammonia is the cause of acid rain, and both water and soil eutrophication. Furthermore, in agriculture, cattle’s intestinal fermentation is responsible for the highest methane emission to the environment. The emission of methane occurs also during the management of faeces. Slurry produces the biggest amount of ammonia. On this account, it is required to use it as a substrate during the fermentation process in the biogas plants. Another greenhouse gas, emitted to the atmosphere in the process of farm animals’ breeding, is nitrous oxide. It is not a widely emitted gas, but it severely deepens the greenhouse effect. Additionally, nitrous oxide contributes to the damage of the ozone layer, thereby enabling the harmful UV light to reach the Earth. In case of the threat that gas emissions brings to the natural environment, certain actions contributing to gas reduction, should have been undertaken. Slurry is being processed during its storage. That helps to limit both the greenhouse and odour gases emissions to the natural environment.
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Bibliogr. 95 poz.
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