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The SPE Poland Section (established in 1992) allows members and sympathizers to participate in interesting lectures, presented by international experts from various fields, associated with the oil and gas industry. In general, these are the Distinguished Lecturers chosen by the SPE, lecturers from various companies, and research centers present the latest technological developments in the oil and gas industry. The activity of the SPE Poland Section contributes to the expansion and strengthening of international scientific and technical cooperation. Also, it allows to its members to update their professional knowledge and learn about the trends in development and technological progress. Within the Section, AGH UST SPE Student Chapter acts an important role. SC brings together active students who organize workshops, industrial training, field trips, and internationally known East Meets West Congress. The work performed by Student Chapter is greatly appreciated by the academic community, as well as by the management of the region and the headquarters of the SPE. In 2022 SPE Poland Section celebrates 30th anniversary of its establishment and we would like to express our deep appreciation to all members of the Section and our sympathizers who have contributed so much to the development of science and education in the field of drilling, oil, and gas engineering.
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Bibliogr. 8 poz., rys., tab.
- AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow
- Halliburton Company Germany GMBH Sp. z o.o.
- AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow
- [1] Society of Petroleum Engineers: http://store.spe.org/ [8.09.2022].
- [2] Society of Petroleum Engineers: SPE Technical Reports. http://www.spe.org/publications/techreports/ [8.09.2022].
- [3] PetroWiki: http://petrowiki.org/PetroWiki [8.09.2022].
- [4] SEGWiki: https://wiki.seg.org/wiki/Main_Page [8.09.2022].
- [5] Energy4me: www.energy4me.org [8.09.2022].
- [6] SPE Connect: http://connect.spe.org/home [8.09.2022].
- [7] Bednarz S., Załubka M.: Sekcja Polska Society of Petroleum Engineers – 20 lecie działalności. In: Jubileusz 45-lecia Wydziału Wiertnictwa, Nafty i Gazu 1967–2012. WWNiG AGH, Kraków 2012.
- [8] Fugiel K.: Sekcja Polska Society of Petroleum Engineers – 25-lecie działalności. 2017 [SPE materials – unpublished].
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