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Betulaceae and platanaceae plants as alternative sources of selected lupane-type triterpenes. Their composition profile and betulin content

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Qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed on supercritical-fluid and conventional Soxhlet extracts of Betula pendula Roth., Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn., and Platanus hybrida Brot. bark. The effect of the two extraction methods on extraction yields was compared. Lupeol and β-sitosterol were identified in the bark extracts by TLC and by GC-MS. The main components were betulin and lupeol followed by β-sitosterol; betulinic acid seemed to be a minor constituent. Betulin content was determined by RP-HPLC, with acetonitrile-water 80:20 ( v/v ) as mobile phase. Comparison of the extraction methods showed that supercritical-fluid (scCO 2 + EtOH) and ethanolic Soxhlet extraction resulted in the highest extraction yields. Accumulation of betulin derivatives was higher in supercritical-fluid extracts (scCO 2 + EtOH) than in conventional Soxhlet extracts.
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Bibliogr. 23 poz., rys., tab.
  • Semmelweis University Department of Pharmacognosy Üllői út 26 1085 Budapest Hungary
  • Gedeon Richter Plc Gyömrői út 19-21 1103 Budapest Hungary
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering Műegyetem rkp. 3 1111 Budapest Hungary
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering Műegyetem rkp. 3 1111 Budapest Hungary
  • Semmelweis University Department of Pharmacognosy Üllői út 26 1085 Budapest Hungary
  • Semmelweis University Department of Pharmacognosy Üllői út 26 1085 Budapest Hungary
  • Semmelweis University Department of Pharmacognosy Üllői út 26 1085 Budapest Hungary
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